Wednesday, November 25, 2009


This time for us can be very exciting. What’s happening around Cross of Grace Lutheran Church brings anxiety, hope, questions, apprehension, nervousness, and concern. At least those are some of the feelings I have. On January 3, 2010, Cross of Grace will have its inaugural worship service. We are hoping some, if not many, of those we have talked to while making initial calls will come to worship. We hope as one person said, “we’ll check you out.” In addition an invitation has been sent to many people who belong to other Lutheran churches to worship with us for a few months to help us get our feet on the ground. But who knows who will come? It is up to the Holy Spirit, of course.

In the midst of all this, I have had shoulder replacement surgery. I am in a sling on the arm with which I write until the middle of December. Then, there will be therapy that will probably evoke pain. In the midst of all this, I have to begin preparing for this worship service and the ones to follow.

I feel helpless.

However, I have had some experience with helplessness during the recovery process from surgery. My blood pressure skyrocketed for a few days. I had no control over it. I couldn’t dress myself, shower, or even put in my contact lenses. I required help in so many ways. Thank God for my wife who was there to support me, care for me, and be my hands for me. It was obvious that there was a power greater than myself – my wife –and it was not easy for me to accept.

This was an object lesson for me. It is the same with this fragile mission that will, hopefully, be launched. During my recovery, there have been people who have supported the mission by making calls and making financial offerings. There have been many, many prayers. Support has come in so many directions. And, so it will be with God. This is not my mission. It is not the mission of the Southeastern Synod nor the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. Yes, we are part of the body of Christ. But it is the head, Christ himself, through the Holy Spirit, who is doing the work.

Yes, I am helpless, but I hope I can remember where the power is and that it is God’s work and all of our hands.