Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Cross of Grace will begin making initial calls soon after the Day of Resurrection.

Here is how I hope we will proceed. We will begin making initial calls the week of April 14 or 15. The first set of calls will identify the "kinks" and other problems that might exist. After that we will be calling people who have expressed a desire to assist in this process. After they have been "trained," we will begin training others so that we develop a multiplication process for having experienced callers.

Presently, we are developing a process for making the calls. We will be setting up the developments/neighborhoods in which we will make calls. We are also developing an instruction guide. When someone is scheduled to make calls, we'll meet at our home, 1103 Miller Drive, Jonesborough. We will make a brief explanation of the process that we will use. All calls will be made with two people. The new caller will be with someone who has made calls. Very little is expected initially. The new caller will be a support person for the more experienced caller. It is an opportunity for observation and understanding. Near the end of the calling time, the new caller will have an opportunity to experience making a call, unless the person still feels too uncomfortable to do so.

At the present time, calls could be scheduled Monday through Friday, around 4:00 pm until 6:00 or 6:30. Saturday calls will be made in the late morning. Sunday call times are yet to be determined. (However, when there are enough trained callers, we’re thinking of developing a "Sunday blitz" with a brief worship service before and a thanksgiving opportunity afterward.)

Please consider joining us as we proclaim the gospel throughout the Jonesborough area.

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