Thursday, August 6, 2009


Beginning a new mission is not just knocking on doors and attempting to identify prospects for the new mission. Of course, that’s the primary purpose. However, there are other areas to focus upon. One of those is to serve where God has called.
Several months ago, when I returned to Jonesborough to live full time, I was asked by Wellington Place, an assisted living community, to teach a Bible class to Alzheimer residents with other residents participating. I said to myself, “O God, what should I do?” Well, I agreed to do it. Subsequently, I decided to tell stories. (After all, we live in Jonesborough.) I use PowerPoint and images from the internet.
Since we began this story telling in Lent, I began with the passion of Christ. Then, we moved to Jesus’ resurrection. Afterward, we went back to the beginning. We started with creation. We have now finished Joshua and the Judges.
It’s been a joyous experience for me. Yes, some are Alzheimers “victims.” Some have various stages of dementia. Then, there are those who are residents for one reason or another who cannot take care of themselves. They all enjoy the stories. The images presented by PowerPoint provide a focus for the residents as the story unfolds. I enjoy telling them.
My major theme is that God loves us. I always attempt to remind those present of that love through the stories that are told. We always end singing, “Jesus Loves Me.”
What began for me as a fearful request has ended as a blessing.

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