Wednesday, December 9, 2009


There are two kingdoms that we face as followers of Christ. There is the kingdom of this world and the kingdom of God, or, what could be called the reign of God. Both are occuring at the same time while we live our human journey as spiritual beings.

On December 7, at approximately 8:30 pm, Nancy, my wife Frankie’s, mother, died. She had been in assisted living for several years. In the later years, she started experiencing dementia, along with comprehensive incontinence and loss of hearing and eyesight. It was painful to watch. The kingdom of this world was obvious.

However, in the life and death of Nancy, something became real for me. I began to realize that what I had been observing during the latter years of Nancy’s life was the brokenness of creation, which I believe has been caused by our continued rebellion with God. When humanity rebelled, even creation itself was broken and taken out of relationship with the God who created it. Nancy experienced many of the effects of this brokenness. We were witnesses to that effect.

Yet, in the midst of all that, I saw daughters, grandchildren, care givers, and others provide love to her and support her as her quality of life diminished. After her death, the love of others broke forth lavishly. Emails, phone calls, food, and cards began to arrive supporting us in our grief and anxiety as we prepare for her full physical departure from our lives. Knowing that the source of love is God, we have been experiencing the breaking in of the reign of God.

We have experienced the reality that God had not punished us, but is taking the brokenness of this world and bringing blessings out of it.

This is the Advent season. We have experienced the coming of Christ.

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